Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Readapting to Ancestral Knowledge of Survival ... looking back to move ahead

Link to 'Aimalama by clicking here. 
Looking back on the motivation, and inspiration to create a place, on Whidbey Island, where the experiences of two makua o'o (maturing elders) could be shared, it was the 'AIMALAMA: Pacific Peoples' Lunar Conference on Climate Change I saw as a major short-term destination, or goal. Travel by plane was not an option. What other way could we on Whidbey Island connect and contribute to this large gathering of Pacific Peoples?

If it is possible to build upon the slow, and steady progress of rooting and thriving on this Whidbey Island what would I envision as the next step?

The two-part answer: 1. Gather a small group to be with Pete and me and share what/how we have readapted, and continue readapting, to survive using the practices of makua o'o (an elder in training life) and kaulana mahina (the observation of moon phases, planting, harvesting, decision-making). We are about to complete that step, July 10th, 2015 with our HO'OMOKU Open House. A summer-time investment of seven weekly gatherings (classes) to teach and learn in a small group leads to the application of the wisdom found in the words 'He puko'a kani 'aina' ... like a coral reef that grows into an island, so too does a person starting in small ways grows until firmly established.
2. Collaborate with community members to bring internet access to the South Whidbey Tilth. This infrastructure would expand connectivity both for the South Whidbey Tilth Farmers' Market/Vendors, and allow a webinar setting between HO'OMOKU and other Pacific Peoples' involved in readapting to ancestral knowledge of survival.  As of today, we have secured approval, and financial backing to bring that infrastructure to the South Whidbey Tilth. We have an installation date set. Progress is in the making!

Whidbey Island is in the center of this photograph. Find the water (The Salish Sea) in dark blue/black. At the right of the large water is an island, the water creates a shape like that of a human, with a bird on his right shoulder. The island shaped by water is Whidbey.
Seen from the heavens the land and islands of the Salish Sea, here, in the Pacific Northwest provide clues and inspiration. The larger picture filled with ambiguity, visual images, multiple meanings leave room for the mystery of life. The unseen guidance and assistance will come, if we are open and willing to welcome it.

This morning, a good friend passed me the prayer that follows; a prayer for the Full Moon in Capricorn tonight (July 1, 2015).

Every New Moon and Full Moon I like to try to post this from the Change Me Prayer book. The Full Moon today is special since Venus and Jupiter are conjunct, the consummate planets of Laxmi, the goddess of beauty, joy and abundance. Take if you need!
"Full Abundance Change Me Prayer"
If you feel drawn, let it enter your Being, releasing any old ideas of constriction or limitation and returning Your true essence as expansive, radiant Light.
"Divine Beloved, Change Me into someone
who can give with complete ease and abundance,
knowing You are the unlimited Source of All.
Let me be an easy open conduit for Your prosperity.
Let me trust that all of my own needs are
always met in amazing ways
and it is safe to give freely as my heart guides me.
And equally, please Change Me into someone
who can feel wildly open to receiving.
Let me know my own value, beauty and
worthiness without question.
Let me allow others the supreme pleasure of giving to me.
Let me feel worthy to receive in every possible way.
And let me extend kindness to all who need,
feeling compassion and understanding
in even the hardest situations.
Change me into One who can fully love, forgive
and accept myself... so I may carry your Light
without restriction.
Let everything that needs to go, go.
Let everything that needs to come, come.
I am utterly Your own.
You are Me.
I am You.
We are One.
All is well.

After reading this prayer I wrote back to my friend, "Thank you. I needed this prayer." And, it is just so. Kama 'ia ke aloha a pa'a i loko. Bind love that it may remain fast within. Be a person who knows love. Aloha is the intelligence with which we greet life. Too often the fretting that is an old habit that needs to go clings. Or, I cling to it. My friend has sent me LIGHT. As Pete left the vardo this morning, he kindly pointed out the fretting I was doing. I said "I'm not very good at loosening out the fret'n" Then I said, "Fret'n fingers!" He said, "Yeah, if you did more fret'n on the ukulele maybe you'd do less of the fret'n inside." Whew. What a good idea. Go play the ukulele.  

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