Monday, September 28, 2015

'Ai Malama comes to Whidbey Island: wakening the magnetic effects of Hina (the Moon)

This is the sound of Ke Kai (the ocean) reminding us that we are water, the ocean reflecting the sound of water within the Earth and in ourselves. Ahhhh ... look up, look down, look within.
Pete and I are headed for our favorite beach on Sunday, September 27, 2015. A Mahealani moon, and a night of the Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Aries. It's just after sunset (check the time on the dash clock).

It has been a fully infused and wakened time all weekend as our small group (of 10) gathering at South Whidbey Tilth for the live streaming event 'AIMALAMA.
We needed the quiet and stillness of Heron to feel the immensity and empowerment, the heroic examples of Pacific Peoples' involved in Kilo (mindful and attentive observation) of the things happening in their place.
Here's our Sign-in Sheet from the three-day conference (with harvest hiding email addresses). This and a summary of our mana'o will be sent to the organizers of the Honolulu-based Pacific Lunar Conference; adding our Whidbey Island Community into the fold as northern 'ohana also keen to the effects of climate changes and the need to readapt to what we experience now.

I will be writing a summary response sheet, gathering feedback from those who viewed the three-day conference here on Whidbey Island. There is more to come, and what next steps we take as a community is part of the future heroic and meaningful action we can take!

Mahalo to all our community members who came to be with us, and helped make 'Ai Malama on Whidbey a reality!

The South Whidbey Tilth ... for the physical space upon which we build community from this island to all the islands of the Pacific
Judy Bierman ... for the financial support to install internet cable, secure materials and pay for services needed
Joel Kennedy, The A-Tech ... for the speakers (awesome sounds!) and projector to set up lap top and desk top setup in the two spaces at the South Whidbey Tilth campus
Whidbey Telacom ... for the cable and the software bringing wifi to the South Whidbey Tilth world
Pete Little ... for his masterful meddling and physical can-do energy that made this event possible
Prescott ... for her cooperative, cheerful and consistent support with the concepts of growing community, learning from cultures across the globe
Jake Pitcher ... mahalo nui loa for hearing the kahea (the call) from us makua for a young one to come be with us! You heard, you came, you kokua us!

Check out some photos here from the 'Ai Malama weekend on Whidbey.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

'AIMALAMA: Pacific Peoples' Lunar Conference on Climate Change ... We'll be 'livestreaming'

Our collaborative efforts over the past months have paid off in a first time experience for us: 'livestreaming.' Starting tomorrow, Friday, September 25, 2015 Pete and I are excited to host two remote HUBS (places where a computer, and internet connection download live media) where dozens of Pacific Peoples share their involvement with the Moon, and her calendar.

I have been challenged with health issues this summer, and as I've described here on the blog, there have been adjustments. But in the true definition and kaona (many meanings) of the word ho'omoku
an island grows slowly. He puko'a kani 'aina.

Here is the email we circulated to the members of our South Whidbey Tilth community.

Mokihana Calizar and Pete Little are excited to share a unique learning experience with our South Whidbey Tilth Community. The 'Aimalama Pacific People's Lunar Conference on Climate Change takes place in Honolulu, September 25-27, 2015. Thanks to the collaborative efforts of many, South Whidbey Tilth is a remote hub site allowing us to participate via the internet. 
The major panels and speakers are scheduled on Friday, September 25th, half of the day on Saturday, September 26th, and then most the day Sunday, September 27th.  We will set up internet 'livestreaming' in the pavilion of the Laughing Cat Café, beginning 12:30 P.M. Friday September 25, 2015. The schedule for the Lunar Conference runs from 12:30 P.M. until 8:00 P.M. 
The pavilion set up for this 'livestream' will be strictly FRAGRANCE FREE. To accommodate those who arrive less than Fragrance free, we will have a computer and screen set up in the classroom space (in the building behind the Laughing Cat Café).

Depending upon the number of people who attend, we will keep the pavilion and classroom set up on Saturday, but will not be setup on in the pavilion on Sunday when the Farmers' Market is happening. The classroom will probably be available for those wishing to view the last day's activities. 

This is a very casual set up. We will have beverages (hot water, coffee) in the Laughing Cat. Everyone is encouraged to bring their own brown bag lunches, snacks or pot luck. Come and go as you wish; check out the schedule* for areas of most importance to you.

A sign-in sheet and feedback from all attendees will be our way of connecting with the groups and individuals who incorporate the practices of the Hawaiian Lunar Calendar in planting, fishing, birthing, healing, sailing and other day to day living. 

It is through this exchange of first hand experiences that empowerment at a meaningful level can impact our relationship with Mother Earth. Climate changing means we must adapt the way we relate to Nature. We have a chance to learn from others across the Pacific. How fortunate we are.

*The specific schedule and list of presenters is available by
 clicking here. (These times are listed in Hawaiian Time Zone. We are three hours ahead of them in WA.)

Mokihana will present a short welcome and introduction to the conference at Noon September 25th. There is no charge for the conference. Donations to the "Enclose the Pavilion in Winter Project" will be welcome.

Questions? Please email Mokihana at 

I'll post a summary of the experience after we've had it. Let's hear it for collaborations and a healthy dose of faith and grace! 

Mahalo all for your kokua,
Mokihana and Pete

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Saturn moves into Sagittarius

A new Medicine Plant introduced to me after six seasons of living where I live.
Her name is Mullein, and she is an ally of the lungs.
Summer has passed. The intensity and the generous gifts of a sun-rich season are visible; the Food Plants have given and given (a dozen quarts of applesauce), fruit and vegetables continue to feed us from our orchard and the community gardens in our neighborhood.

The forest fires that began in mid-July have had their effect, most of the burning has been calmed or stopped thanks to the rains that finally came this month. Many folk, including me, are dealing with smoke inhalation issues(lungs, sinuses,ears and ears) and how to live through it, and from it.

Integrating many sources to create effective remedy seems my best approach. Others find remedy in medication and prescription. Still others are unscathed by the fires, smoke and particulates going about their lives as they would were the forests untouched by fire. An important part of this 'integration' though is to remember to Keep it simple. Meaning it is a good practice to keep each Plant Herb separate in its use ... try one herb remedy at a time. 'Simples' in Wildcrafting or herbal medicine practices refers to making a tincture, poultice or oil with one herb rather than mixing more than one or buying mixtures.

UPDATE: (READ the bottle carefully on purchased remedies, what I thought was just mullein and garlic oil was in fact mullein, calendula, St. John's wort and garlic. If I have a sensitivity to the oil I won't know what triggered the sensitivity. I re-learned the lesson of 'simples' this afternoon).

I figured this would be a good time to summarize my experiences (Saturn is in the sky, and visible as my husband watched the planet last night) as the teacher of long-term lessons is now in Sagittarius after 2.5 years in Scorpio. For all of us, the lessons have been deeply felt. (click on that link for a long list of lessons learned). From that list I am able to affirm what Elsa wrote is true for me, too. I have learned to conserve my energy and commit deeply.

Conserve energy

Teaching classes (Ho'omoku) began with a vision for small group face-to-face teaching.
Within a week I realized this ideal would have to change. Educating people about my MCS reality takes a lot of energy, and time.
'Group' was redefined. One student, one husband, one teacher = our group
When the forest fires raged, where to teach changed from 'in person' to 'phone-to-phone'

Commit deeply

I remained committed to the process of sharing and teaching. It was flexibility that shouted for its place. As I conserved my energy, it was important that I exchange it with a student who could reciprocate. We have that in our student. She teaches us, we teach her. Once a week we had phone classes. The times changed during the process, accommodating our mutual needs. She is in the process of moving off the island, and through it we keep in touch (with short phone and meaningful conversation); the practices, chants, and 'olelo (Hawaiian words) of importance build in meaning as our relationship grows.

Saturn's transit through Scorpio aspected (affected, tweaked, 'lit-up') the 10th and 11th Houses of the astrological sky. That means, my Public Reputation (10th House) and Friendships, Hopes and Dreams (11th House) have undergone a reality check. "Oh really?" Saturn said, making sure my expectations of a style of public (10th House) interaction still worked. Consolidating, reining in my old expectations and living real life I see what I can do; what I can't do; how I relate with my Scorpio Sun; what and how I think (Mercury in the 10th) and got another experience with the 'original wound' of Chiron (also in the 10th House).

These lessons and experiences aren't easy! Physically my body has been taxed to the max, my faith bottomed out, the symptoms of MCS raged, my world become smaller and smaller; and then I found something while I re-read the pages of Braiding SweetgrassRobin Wall Kimmerer is a true medicine woman and story is part of her medicine magic. In the chapter "In the Footsteps of Nanabozho: Becoming Indigenous to Place" Kimmerer draws on her poetic eyes to write bridges between the Long Past and the past that we have just left a footstep ago. Creation story for Indigenous people thread us together, restoring fragmented experiences (personal and historic) and in the hands and heart of a storyteller the restoration is potent, poignant.

The chapter on Becoming Indigenous to Place rings my internal bells. Here's the conversation that is going on ...

"I am AN INDIGENOUS Woman," Bell One declares. And, she is not wrong.
"But," suggests Bell Two, "RWK is suggesting something so much larger. She is suggesting you might want to weigh the longing to be in that other place where you were born and indigenous to, with, becoming Indigenous to the place you are now."
"I know. I read that, and the bells and lights all started to flash." Admitted Bell One.
"How do we reconcile this? Is there a conflict a compromise an issue of loyalty breached?" Both Bells asked simultaneously. 

I took this photo of Plantain growing in the drought-brittle pea patch where we conducted summer sessions of Ho'omoku. 

Here is an Internet snap of the same species, in similar drought condition but the plant is greener.
Kimmerer anchors her stories woven in the chapter with the life and journey of an immigrant plant, a weed that came along with the immigrants who crossed at least one ocean and came to 'a new land.' Unlike so many other examples of colonial plants like kudzu who sets no limits to its thirst occupation and will take your house with or without permission; another plant followed in the footsteps of the white man. Where ever the white man went so went this potted herb. Its seed and its habits were so different than the colonial kudzu. This plant made itself comfortable in small spaces, "Its strategy," writes Kimmerer "was to be useful, to fit into small places, to coexist with other around the dooryard, to heal wounds. Plantain is so prevalent, so well integrated, that we think of it as native...Plantain is not indigenous but "naturalized." This is the same term we use for the foreign-born when they become citizens in our country."

Plantain grows everywhere in our orchard. The broad leaf and the narrow leaf plants have made themselves at home with Plants here. Back in Hawaii Plantain is called Lokahi. There, I thought of Lokahi as native. How amazed I was to find it here, where I live. But what is more amazing is to find Kimmerer's story and its broad implication as a real education. As Saturn the Lesson-Giver moves into the next sign of the zodiacal sky, it brings the lesson of real education. I have just started a four-week long workshop with Elsa Panizzon from ElsaElsa focused on what to expect and how to benefit from Saturn's transit through Sagittarius. It's gonna be a doosy of a workshop; all of Elsa's offerings are full and long-lasting value. This one has just begun as a private forum, there's still time to sign on.

One of the things Elsa promises (and she always comes through!) is How to recognize and reign in your own inflation. So, back to the conversation between the two Bells going on in my head. The question and answer(s) to my beliefs (Sagittarius) about being Indigenous and being Happy (hopes and dreams are Sagittarius' domain) are gonna get a tweak and new definitions. A real education will put me where an old woman can be of true worth. The teacher who remains teachable, and humble, can be of real value. Just look at the Plantain: called many names does the same thing where ever it lives.

Long winded blather, but, hope you got something to chew on. If you want more, join us in the Saturn through Sagittarius Workshop.